> Activitat 1

La primera activitat serà una introducció al tema. Presentarem un breu text en el que apareixen falsos amics. Després, preguntarem als alumnes què signifiquen les paraules problemàtiques (assenyalades en negreta). Explicarem que es tracta de falsos amics, paraules que es semblen en la seua forma però que tenen un diferent significat.  

El text es el següent:

Flying high
The adequate amount of warm air in a balloon for it to fly is difficult to measure. The pilot, always candid, is pretty embarrassed as he finds it difficult to explain why. He tells us that the fins control the direction, and, as the idiom goes, “the hotter the better”. Robert (that is his name), is also the mayor of his town, and he is a retired physician. We can see that he is a serious man, every time he raises his fingers to his old, black spectacles.

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